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Rachel Abbassi

Rachel Abbassi Profile Photo

Podcaster on Sobriety, Stroke & Vestibular Disorder, Anxiety & Depression | Recovery Daily Podcast | Communications & Marketing

Rachel Abbassi is a stroke survivor and gratefully recovering alcoholic with eight years of sobriety. She made the decision to recover out loud after chronic pain and neurological vision challenges from her stroke forced her into into an early medical retirement. Recognizing this need to step back from a beloved career due to her disability, she chose to channel her energy through the Recovery Daily Podcast.

Rachel’s podcast reveals her approach to life—one day at a time—a concept introduced through her sobriety program. She aims to focus on opportunities rather than fixate on what can no longer be enjoyed due to her disability. Her belief that healing happens through shared experience, strength, and hope fuels her perseverance. Drawing parallels between her recovery experiences, she seeks to inspire others and add value to their lives.

Rachel turns her inner voice outward, illuminating the often-hidden struggles of mental health, alcoholism, and the aftermath of a stroke. Her podcast topics include alcoholism, vestibular disorder, chronic pain, acceptance, and gratitude, while not shying away from talking about emotional pain and mental health on difficult days.

Rachel challenges her life-long projected identity and underscores that willingness, vulnerability, and consistency are required in recovery, acknowledging that progress isn’t always visible; sometimes, it’s an inner journey toward serenity, joy, and purpose.

Rachel shines a light on the unseen illnesses within us—depression, anxiety, and despair—issues doctors may not easily detect. By focusing outward, she believes we discover the support and belonging we need in a community of like-minded survivors.

For Rachel, sharing the depths of her disease publicly is intimidating, yet less frightening than facing those depths alone. Recovery Daily Podcast allows her to confront her fears, navigate post-stroke challenges, and get comfortable being uncomfortable, recognizing that life’s beauty often emerges beyond pain.